He tell me that he doesn't think we have to worry considering that we just saw a truck drive by and that he can see a building in the distance. I guess I have romanticized this situation, I've always wanted to survive in the desert.
When the helicopter lands dust pours out in the air. I begin shooting pictures until my camera makes an awful beeping noise. The screen holds something like this message: error clean dust from lens. This is not a good sign. Luckily I have another camera, which works just fine even under this stress.
When I get home there is dust embedded in my scalp. It is easy to shower and wash the grit away, but cleaning my camera won't be that easy. I carefully take the lens off the camera body, give it a quick dust off and lock it back into place. I snap a few pictures, no beeping. My conclusion, problem solved.
Yea, was kinda worried when i saw you going out with 2 expensive looking cameras. :P